From Oct 17th to Oct 21th, we, the GRC team, went to Chongqing to participate the annual CGU meeting. In this meeting, Yunguo Chen presented his research on "藏东高原的中下地壳、上地幔的三维流变结构研究". Segun Steven Bodunde introduced the work on "Poroelasti...
From Oct. 8 - 13rd, we checked two survey lines including 15 GPS stations that were surveyed in 1990s. We have successfully recovered and resurveyed five stations. We added one station near JNA. Other stations were all destroyed by social and business activitie
On June 23th, Mr. Yixing Zhang defensed his M.Sc. thesis "2010年Mw8.8 Maule地震震后形变三维粘弹性数值模拟" . In his thesis, Yixing studied the postseismic deformation pattern and dynamic mechanism of the 2010 Mw8.8 Maule earthquake. He established a three-dimens...
Mr. Jing Ding defensed his M.Sc. thesis "地震序列一致性自动识别系统的设计与实现" on May 28th. In his thesis, Jing developed the algorithm to determine possible earthquake magnitude from a short time of the P waveform, and then broadcast possible earthquake-war...
From April 08-18, 2019, Dr. Hu visited Dr. Roland Bürgmann at UC Berkeley and Dr. Jeff Freymueller at MSU for current and future collaborations on looking into deformation processes in Japan, Cascadia, California, and Alaska.
We had a workshop on Tibet geodynamics and earthquake precursory research at USTC on Aug. 6, 2018. Presentations during the workshop can be reached at Baidu netdisk: Link: Retrieve password: 47wc For any use of
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