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  • A graduation trip to Mountain Huang

    To celebrate the graduation of Jian Zhang, Liang Qian and Feifan Ye, GRC organized a graduation trip to Huangshan city from May 28th to May 30th. Six GRCers, Jian Zhang, Siyuan Yang, Kai Wang, Yiqing Liu, Zhihao Wang and Feifan Ye, joined the tour. It is unfortu


  • Theses defense by Jian Zhang, Liang Qian and Feifan Ye in Spri

    Defending the thesis is the final stage of the graduate studies, a milestone of years of hard work. At the end of the May in 2024, GRC oversees three graduate students complete their MSc/PhD programs and graduate from USTC. Congratulations to them! On May 21st,


  • 2024 SSC meeting and paleoseismic field trip in Kashi, Xinjian


  • 2024 EGU annual meeting in Vienna, Austria

    One of the largest comprehensive internation meetings for geosciences, General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union, was held in Vienna, Austria, on April 14–19 this year. PhD students from GRC, Siyuan Yang and Kai Wang, attended the meeting and sha


  • Annual fall meeting of AGU in San Francisco, USA

    After the AOGS in Singapore, here came a greater International Conference for geophysics in 2023. From Dec. 11th to Dec. 15th, three Ph.D. students, Siyuan Yang, Kai Wang, and Yiqing Liu went to San Francisco to attend the AGU23 (Fall meeting of American Geophy


  • The annual 2023 CGU meeting

    From Oct 13th to Oct 17th, the GRC team went to Zhuhai to attend the annual CGU meeting. Six students shared their work during this conference. GRC members (From left): Wang Kai, Ye Feifan, Zhang Jian, Wang Zhihao, Liu Yuting, Yang Siyuan, Liu Yiqing, Xu Wei.


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