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  • Funded Projects

    We have the following funded projects: ONGOING Projects: (11)海南创新团队,项目名称: 行星环境数值模拟,子课题负责人, **万,2024.01-2026.12。 (10)国家自然基金委面上项目,项目名称: 青藏高原冰川均衡调整效应和动力学过程数值模拟,项目负责人, **万,2024.01-2027.12。 (9)科学技术部“地球系统与全球变化”重点专项,项目名称:多尺度壳幔流变结构及其对地震和火山活动的作用机制,课题名称:孕震环境和岩浆动力学数值模拟与成灾机制研究,子课题名称:强震形变过程和机制,课题负责人,***万,2022.12-2027.11。 (8)中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类),专项名称:印太交汇区海洋物质能量中心形成演化过程与机制,项目二:印太交汇区板块汇聚过程及物质能量循环,课题一:印太交汇区俯冲带结构和动力过程,...

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  • Team LOGO

    Our team logo has a “short” history. The logo was initiated by Ms. Yiqing Liu during a geological field trip to the Yunnan Province. Yiqing together with four other classmates handed in a field trip report including the designed logo for the Solid-Earth Geophysics department. Among six submitted logos, we liked Yiqing’s design the best. However, the department chose another logo in the end. Yiqing actually submitted two logo versions which are: After we came back to school, Prof. Bin Liu worked further on the first version. In 2019 Dr. Hu digitized the hand-written version. In 2020 Yiqing entered the MSc program working with Dr. Hu. In the fall we decided to further w

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  • Upload Files

    This page gives instructions to upload files to the GRC server, ONLY for the purpose of research and teaching. Impropriate uploaded material will be removed, and the account will be terminated. For users in China, please click THIS LINK to start the uploading page. For users outside of China, please click THIS LINK to upload. If one way doesn’t work for you, please try the alternative. Step 1. At the login page, enter the password. Step 2. After login, click the ‘+’ icon at the right corner to bring up the file-selection window. Step 3. Now click the ‘Choose File’ icon. Step 4. In the pop-up window, browse your local file to upload. Then click ‘Open

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