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  • International Conference

    (51) 2024.06.28, Yan Hu, Jian Zhang, Kejing Huang and Jeffrey Toddy Freymueller. Lithospheric rheology and stresses gleaned from intraplate and megathrust Alaska earthquakes, AOGS annual meeting, SE07-A024, invited. (50) 2024.05.31, Yan Hu, Jian Zhang, Yunguo Chen and Bin Zhao. Rheological heterogeneities in the lower crust in southern and western Tibet, JpGU annual meeting, SGD02-04, invited. (49) 2024.4, Siyuan Yang and Yan Hu, Rheological structure beneath the southern Sumatra constrained from postseismic deformation of the 2007 Mw8.4 Sumatra earthq

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  • Domestic Conference

    (15) 2024.05,王凯,胡岩,土耳其双震震后形变揭示的上地幔瞬态流变特性,国家野外科学观测研究站建设发展暨新构造与地震灾害学术研讨会 (14) 2023.10,王志浩,胡岩,1950年Mw8.7 察隅地震震后动力学过程,中国地球科学联合学术年会。 (13) 2023.10,杨思源,胡岩,2004年Mw9.2 苏门答腊地震和2005年Mw8.6 尼亚斯地震震后形变过程和机制,中国地球科学联合学术年会。 (12)2023.10,张健,胡岩,从2018 Mw7.9 科迪亚克地震推测的阿拉斯加俯冲带的上地幔流变特性,中国地球科学联合学术年会。 (11) 2023.10,刘亦青,崔鑫,胡岩,张健,An Integrated Investigation on Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Responses and Afterslip Behavior following the 2016 Mw7.1 Kumamoto earthquake,中国地球科学联合学术年会。 (10) 2023.10,王凯...

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