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  • (11) 胡岩 (2022),俯冲带库仑楔形体力学,地球物理学报65(2)417-426doi:10.6038/cjg2022P0894.  Link

  • (12) Hu, Z., Y. Hu, and S.S. Bodunde (2021), Viscoelastic relaxation of the upper mantle and afterslip following the 2014 Mw8.1 Iquique earthquake, Earthquake Research Advances, 1, dot:10.19743/j.cnki.0891-4176.202101003. Link

  • (13) 张懿行, 胡岩, Segun Steven Bodunde (2021), 2010Mw8.8 Maule 地震震后形变三维粘弹性数值模拟, 地震学报[J] doi: 10.11939/jass.20200071. Link (this paper was selected as Outstanding Student Paper: Link)

  • (14) Huang, K., Hu, Y., & Freymueller, J. T. (2020). Decadal viscoelastic postseismic deformation of the 1964 Mw9.2 Alaska earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB019649. Link  

  • (15) 赵斌, 王敏, 胡岩, 王琪 (2020), 中国及邻域强震震后变形监测及岩石流变性质研究, 中国地震, 36(4), 806-816.

  • (16) Hu, Y., and J.F. Freymueller (2019), Geodetic observations of time-variable Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in southeast Alaska and its implications for Earth rheology, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 124, doi:10.1029/2018JB017028. Link

  • (17) Wang, K., L. Brown, Y. Hu, K. Yoshida, J. He, and T. Sun (2019), Stable forearc stressed by a weak megathrust: Mechanical and geodynamic implications of stress changes caused by the M=9 Tohoku-oki earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 124, doi:10.1029/2018JB017043. Link

  • (18) Hu, Y., R. Bürgmann, P. Banerjee, L. Feng, E.M. Hill, T. Ito, T. Tabei, & K. Wang (2016), Oceanic asthenosphere rheology from postseismic deformation of the 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake, Nature538, 368–372, doi:10.1038/nature19787. Link

  • (19) Hu, Y., R. Bürgmann, N. Uchida, P. Banerjee, & J.T. Freymueller (2016), Stress-driven relaxation of heterogeneous upper mantle and time-dependent afterslip following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth121, doi:10.1002/2015JB012508. Link

  • (20) Bürgmann, R., N. Uchida, Y. Hu, & T. Matsuzawa (2016), Tohoku rupture reloaded? Nat. Geosci., 9, 183-184, doi:10.1038/ngeo2649. Link

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