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2024 SSC meeting and paleoseismic field trip in Kashi, Xinjiang

Time:2024/05/22    Clicking rate:381

The Seismological Society of China held a meeting in Kashi, Xinjiang from May 11th to 16th, including a field trip for paleoseismic trenches of the 1902 M8 Atushi and 1985 Ms7.1 Wuqia earthquakes. GRC member Daiqin Liu participated the meeting as a session convener. Two GRC PhD students, Siyuang Yang and Kai Wang, presented oral reports to share our recent research on crustal deformation due to hydrological loading and earthquakes.

Siyuan Yang was sharing her work.

So did Kai Wang.

Landscape during the field trip.

Paleoseismic trench of the 1985 Ms7.1 Wuqia earthquake.

Geological structure in the trench.

People in front of the fault scarp for the 1902 M8 Atushi earthquake.

Dry river and river terraces.

Historical Fragrance's tomb in Kashi.

Protect wild animals, and build harmony society.

-------- Prepared by Kai Wang on May 22nd, 2024

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