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We welcome undergraduate students to join us on undergraduate thesis projects, summer programs, etc. We also invite you to attend our weekly group meetings to have some ideas of current research projects. For details, please contact Dr. Hu.

[Thesis Project]

If you would like to carry out thesis projects with us, you must take it seriously! The following is the recommended roadmap.

(1) Ideally, you may join our team and start exploring possible thesis projects at the end of the second year. During the third year, you don't have to put too much efforts on your thesis project. We expect you have basic ideas of possible research topics that you may be interested in. At the end of the third year, you may finalize the research topic of your thesis.
(2) In the Fall semester in the fourth year, you must put more efforts in the research and get most thesis material ready.
(3) In the fourth Spring semester, complete the undergraduate thesis and prepare oral defense within about two months right after the Spring Festival (please follow university deadlines).

We may accept up to two undergraduate thesis projects each year. The deadline for starting the thesis project is Oct. 1st in the fourth year. NO thesis projects will be accepted after Oct. 1st in the fourth year!

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